Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is a realistic computer-generated simulation of an environment. Through 3D software, you can recreate real or imaginary settings, in which users can navigate by using different devices. It allows users to be absorbed in a new dimension, where they can walk, look around and explore what surrounds them. Given its immersive nature, this technology can engage and evoke emotions. Initially used for ludic purposes (e.g. videogames), virtual reality is becoming popular in other sectors as well because it has a great potential that goes beyond the simple entertainment. Among its different applications, one of the most meaningful is in the architectural field.


Besides being a new and powerful marketing tool, Virtual Reality proves to be an extraordinary means to present architectural projects. Clients can immerse themselves within a 3D setting comfortably from their home, moving autonomously in all directions. The emotion of moving inside your future house, checking the furniture type and arrangement are only a part of the huge opportunities offered by Virtual Reality. Not only an advantage for potential clients, but also an amazing design tool: architects can perceive proportions realistically and  correct possible miscalculations.

From technical drawing to 3D rendering

3D Images / Rendering

We can capture your product from any perspective, we can section and customize it with textures and colors.

3D Videos

To show all the features of your products, to simulate assemblies and workings for your communication.

Are you thinking of a virtual reality project for your business? Contact us with no obligation for further information of for a free consultation

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