3D animation – let the emotions be alive!

In order to create animated cartoon or videogame characters, it’s necessary a…

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is a realistic computer-generated simulation of an environment.…

Virtual Reality – Green areas and playgrounds

Giving value to an exterior environment to present a project for a children’s…

Architectural Renderings

A photorealistic architectural view is always appreciated. Whether it is…

Photorealistic renderings

Photorealistic interior or exterior renderings are an effective support for…

A help for your patents!

Do you have trouble presenting your innovative idea? Do you want to know the…

3D technology for your e-commerce website

3D images can be an added value for your e-commerce website. Products to be…

3D Configurator

Every customer has his own needs: being able to satisfy them means standing out…

3D Videos

A new product presentation is always an important moment. Conveying its strong…

3D Footwear

Your shoe is authentic in every detail. Thanks to 3D modeling, we can express…

3D Technology for your services

We make conveying your services easy, immediate and effective. A 3D video makes…

3D technology for your franchise

Stores, stands or entire shopping malls: 3D technology has no limits. The…

Architectural Renderings

A photorealistic architectural view is always appreciated. Whether it is…

3D Tutorial videos and assemblies

Whether you wish to train your staff, customers or simply for instructive…

3D design

If you need to customize a product or to create a new one, you can rely on our…

3D Building

We capture any kind of real estate project before it is carried out. How?…

3D Swimming Pools

The desired pool becomes real. We can present your swimming pool in a virtual…

3D Packaging

We design packaging for any product. Thanks to 3D technology, it will be easy…

3D Jewels

Two-dimensional configurators don’t allow users to view products from all their…

3D Allocation

It is never easy to obtain a job order or to have your project approved.…

3D Products

All becomes easier with 3D products! Stop going crazy with traditional photos.…

3D Stands

If you already have a project but you are not sure of the outcome, we can…

3D animation – let the emotions be alive!

In order to create animated cartoon or videogame characters, it’s necessary a…

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is a realistic computer-generated simulation of an environment.…

Virtual Reality – Green areas and playgrounds

Giving value to an exterior environment to present a project for a children’s…

Architectural Renderings

A photorealistic architectural view is always appreciated. Whether it is…

Photorealistic renderings

Photorealistic interior or exterior renderings are an effective support for…

A help for your patents!

Do you have trouble presenting your innovative idea? Do you want to know the…

3D technology for your e-commerce website

3D images can be an added value for your e-commerce website. Products to be…

3D Configurator

Every customer has his own needs: being able to satisfy them means standing out…

3D Videos

A new product presentation is always an important moment. Conveying its strong…

3D Footwear

Your shoe is authentic in every detail. Thanks to 3D modeling, we can express…

3D Technology for your services

We make conveying your services easy, immediate and effective. A 3D video makes…

3D technology for your franchise

Stores, stands or entire shopping malls: 3D technology has no limits. The…

Architectural Renderings

A photorealistic architectural view is always appreciated. Whether it is…

3D Tutorial videos and assemblies

Whether you wish to train your staff, customers or simply for instructive…

3D design

If you need to customize a product or to create a new one, you can rely on our…

3D Building

We capture any kind of real estate project before it is carried out. How?…

3D Swimming Pools

The desired pool becomes real. We can present your swimming pool in a virtual…

3D Packaging

We design packaging for any product. Thanks to 3D technology, it will be easy…

3D Jewels

Two-dimensional configurators don’t allow users to view products from all their…

3D Allocation

It is never easy to obtain a job order or to have your project approved.…

3D Products

All becomes easier with 3D products! Stop going crazy with traditional photos.…

3D Stands

If you already have a project but you are not sure of the outcome, we can…

Fst Studio - Progressive Solution Agency 3d - Web e Video


Fst studio - fststudio.com - fst3d.com - fststudio.itFst Studio è uno studio grafico formato da un team di affabili professionisti. I fondatori, Tonino e Fausto Settimi hanno 20 anni di esperienza nella comunicazione visiva. Abili esploratori delle opportunità di mercato, hanno gettato le proprie basi producendo rendering e progetti web per un numero considerevole di architetti, interior designers, sviluppatori e aziende produttrici presenti nel centro Italia. All’inizio gran parte dei lavori 3D si sono concentrati sulla realizzazione di rappresentazioni di costruzioni esterne e hanno visto la partecipazione anche a complessi piani imprenditoriali, quali lo sviluppo di un centro commerciale presso la stazione dell’alta velocità HONGQUIAO a Shanghai e la costruzione di 3 grattacieli nella città di Palmas in Brasile. Negli ultimi cinque anni il raggio di competenza si è vistosamente ampliato includendo la realizzazione di numerose presentazioni 3D di prodotti differenti come ad esempio pedali da bicicletta, assemblati e calzature. In particolare, per il settore calzaturiero, le competenze acquisite hanno permesso l’ideazione ed il montaggio di spot televisivi di successo andati in onda sulle maggiori reti nazionali pubbliche e private. Lato web le competenze vanno dal web marketing in generale alla realizzazione di siti e-commerce su misura e alla customizzazione di CMS quali WordPress per lo sviluppo di siti autogestibili.Attualmente la sfida abbraccia anche il mondo dei giochi 3D e 2D per desktop e mobile scaricabili dai più importanti store online.


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